Friday, May 17, 2019

The Freaky Expensive $90 million Sculpture by Jeff Koons

Today, we are going to talk about a sculpture by listening to the price of which you will be getting shocks, and you will never make an idea of buying one for yourself. Jeff Koons is the person who made this sculpture and yes it this expensive. But why?

About the Sculpture-

It is a rabbit sculpture which is wholly made up of stainless steel, and you will get stunned by seeing it’s height. It is 3 feet tall. This three feet tall rabbit sculpture was sold for more than $91 million on Wednesday evening at Christie’s in New York.

Just think $91 million, what else one could have bought with such amount of money. This sculpture had braked all the records till now.

It is a new record after David Hockney’s “Portrait of Artist” which have sold for a whopping amount of $90.3 million in November.

About Jeff Koons: The Sculpture maker-

In case if I forgot to tell you that who made this sculpture, then Jeff Koons makes this sculpture.

Jeff Koons is an American artist, and he usually works under popular culture subjects. Some of the best works of him are, he is famous for making balloon animals with stainless steel. Every job produced by him has a smooth mirror-like finish, which attracts everyone’s heart at one go.

His balloon dog’s sculpture sold for $58.4 million in 2013. Which was a record breaker at that time and now he came with the rabbit sculpture. Which too had broken every record till now.

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